Wednesday, October 3, 2012

The Girls & Maddox

Averi Lynn is so excited to have her little brother Maddox home!  She is so good with him...she loves to hold him and give him lots of kisses!  I love that she is always making sure that he is a happy little guy...whether he needs a new diaper or a song sung to him, she is there to help!

Alexxa Riley didn't really notice him at first, but she is coming around.  She loves watching him and she squeals with laughter and points at him as he squirms and grunts.  Just the other day she started wanted to give him kisses...we just have to watch that she doesn't grab him and try to play with him like he is a doll:)
Alexxa, Averi, & Maddox 
Averi & Maddox
Averi loves giving her little bro kisses!
Alexxa watching her baby brother.

1 comment:

  1. Way to go Mrs. Amstutz!!! Thank you for posting pictures of everyone. We really enjoy looking at the pictures and hearing how everyone is doing.

    Love, Your 4th Grade Hoosiers
