Wednesday, October 31, 2012

The Girl's Love Their Little Brother!

Averi & Alexxa cannot get enough of their Little Bro! I totally thought they would have a hard time adjusting to him getting a lot of attention, but instead they just think he is the coolest!  They seem to be more jealous of each other getting time with mom and dad:) Here is some proof that they love their baby brother:)

Averi & Alexxa Ballin' in the Basement Video

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Zoo Halloween!

Fort Wayne Children's 
The Schroeder's & Amstutz's went on their annual Zoo Halloween trip this Sunday! We had tons of spooktastic fun:) Averi is an Elegant Ballerina, Samantha is a Jubilant Jelly Fish, Alexxa is an Adorable Butterfly, and Jackson is the Heroic Spiderman!  (We all felt a bit safer with Spiderman by our side:) Oh yes...we can not forget about our cute and huggable little Maddox Bear:) He is tucked away safely in the stroller:)

Grandma & Grandpa Brown with the Schroeder and Amstutz grandkids:)

Monday, October 22, 2012

The Amstutz's Halloween Pumpkin

Luke carved a pumpkin with Averi & kind of Alexxa, over the weekend:) Rather than tell you about it, I will show you the happenings from the event through pictures:)

Happy Halloween!

A Closing to Successful EN F-Ball Season

     Luke has now completed his first Football Season as East Noble's head coach and what a great season it was. They lost a hard fought battle last Friday night to Concord in the 1st round of Sectionals, 38-35. Though this game did not end the way Knight Nation wanted it to, it was a great and memorable were so many of the games this year. I can not say enough for his seniors this year, they had heart & desire like no other team I have ever seen before! Those characteristics, in these young men, will take them far in life. I am so proud of the whole team and all of the coaches...I know how hard they work and how much it all means to them:) 

     They ended the season 7-3 which is a pretty honorable record. As I was talking with Amy (our kiddos Babysitter, though she is much more than that to our family...we love you Amy:) she said something to me that I think hit the nail on the head...a football season's success is much more than just wins/losses. Though we definitely love to win...don't get me wrong:)   

     The coaching staff, players, fans, and community, gained much more than a winning record this year.  You know what I mean Knight Nation:) There was a new excitement in the air. EN pride was something that continued to build throughout the season and it became so commanding that it could not be demolished. However, I think most of all there was something that connected the East Noble players, coaches, fans, and community together that made us unstoppable...I do not mean in the win/lose sort of way, I mean in the appreciate, enjoy, and live life to the fullest way! Now that's SUCCESS! It is amazing what can come out of Football...

Luke & I are proud that our kiddos are Future Knights!

Our Annual Notre Dame Football Game Date

So once a year Luke & I head to South Bend to watch our ND Football Team Play:) This year it was the ND vs. BYU Football game, which we thought would be a pretty easy win for the Fighting Irish...that was not the case. They won, but it was closer than we would have liked...17 to 14! We had a great time and it is something I look forward to all year:) The weather was perfect Football weather, we ate good food, we enjoyed each other's company (I love my hubbie), we were surrounded by an amazing atmosphere, and we watched the Irish play! (They are now 7-0!!!!) It was a great day! A BIG thanks to the grandparents for watching our kiddos:) Love you guys:)
Luke & I in front of Touchdown Jesus on the ND Campus

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Halloween Costume Preview

We have Maddox as a Bear...
 Alexxa Riley as a Butterfly...
And Averi Lynn as a Ballerina!

Fire Safety Week at Preschool

It was Fire Prevention Week last week and Averi's class learned about what to do if there is a fire. Stop, drop, and roll and the whole bit:) They even got to meet real firemen and see a real fire truck!  Averi was so excited because they got to get on the fire truck!  

If you go to this website you can see pictures of Averi and her preschool class.  There are Fire Prevention Week pictures and lots more. You will need to scroll down to the Preschool 3's section b/c there is a 4's class also:)

Averi with her Fire Chief badge & Fire Dalmatian hat!
I am not quite sure what is going on here:)  She was just playing and then all of a sudden she was standing in front of me like this:)  I guess she really was excited about Fire Prevention Week! She is also a bit silly. I got a good laugh out of it...LOL!

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Our Little Man

Maddox is now almost a month old! I cannot believe it! At his 2-Week Doctor Appt. he was 7lbs. 7oz. & 20in. long! I know he has grown a lot since then...his newborn outfits no longer fit him:) Here are a few pictures of him:)

Monday, October 8, 2012

The Photo Shoot...Kind of...

So, I thought I would try to get a picture of all three kids together so I could send it to Luke wishing him luck coaching against New Haven...of course that did not work out as planned:)  I did however get a few cute pictures.  Here they are.

A group hug:)
Big Sis...Little Bro!
Really again?
Ready for the game!

Maddox's First 3 Weeks

Pictures of Maddox!